Friday, June 19, 2015

Social Justice Warrior

As of late, the phrase "social justice warrior" has been given a negative connotation. Since when did speaking out for one's core values morals and beliefs for the greater good of all of humanity been a negative thing? "Won't you ever get tired of focusing on all of the bad stuff in the world?" While it is mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting: In fact, my blood is pounding as I write this post. It's spiritually fulfilling.

I am going to preach about social justice and human rights until the day I die. There is no "getting tired of it". I am a black Muslim woman if there's anything I can recognize immediately it is micro-aggression and hatred. Demeaning, belittling, trivializing, and even purposeful ignorance of my existence is exactly what drives me to speak out. 

There are billions of women globally that don't have voices. Little girls being forced to marry men 2-3x their age. African women facing Female Genital Mutilation in patriarchal societies. Rape being INDEMIC and RAMPANT in this "great" nation of ours to the point where women going to college have to prepare themselves for possible sexual assault because our society doesn't teach men that rape is a crime against humanity. 

In India and parts of Asia "honor-killings" are a regular practice because the families believe that their daughters have brought great shame to their families. This societal shame is viewed as so great that the young woman has to pay her family with her life in order for honor to be restored. What crimes did these women commit to have to lose their lives? Refusal of arranged marriages, being the victims of rape, and going against the wishes of their families in order to pursue careers are only a few causes.

This is only a fraction of the injustices happening to women worldwide. It varies from race to region of the world but one thing is constant: a hatred for women. Jokes about the injustices women face or the stereotypes we have to fight that are viewed as harmless are detrimental to society. 

We are normalizing hating women. We are, whether we know it or not, reinforcing women into a subservient position in society. Hillary Clinton, a woman who I am not a fan of, faces questions like "How are you going to be President at your age?" when there are Republican and Democratic candidates at her age or even older that are never subjected to such questioning. 

This has been a long ranting post, but I'm tired of being told there's no point in fighting for the rights of all of humanity. Being told to just give up. Why? Giving up means none of these injustices and crimes will stop. That's not a world I want to live in. That's not a world I want for future generations. 

Maybe I am idealistic. I believe in humanity. I believe if we face the facts for what they are and try our best to sincerely solve them with justice for all in mind, we can turn this one way train to the Apocalypse around! The least we can do is learn about what is going on in the world around us and even in our own backyards. 

Social media is a platform we have to take advantage of. There is the potential of millions of people learning the truth about crimes against humanity happening globally. We owe using this privilege to all the women and men across our planet that are suffering in silence. Please don't belittle it. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tales of a College Sophmore Nothing

Hello internet comrades,

There are only two reasons why you would be reading this blog. One is that over the  months of your following me on twitter you've finally gained a curiosity for my opinions on subjects that last longer than a string of 2-3, 140 character tweets, or...Two; you wish to take a more intimate look into the desolate lonely not-so mysterious life that I lead. Whatever your motivations to read my neurotic ramblings, welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome. For lack of a better topic I start my first blog entry with a little introduction of myself. 

My name is Maryam, I'm 20 years old. I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, making me a proud midwestern American. I love Chicago with all of my heart, but I now live in Burnsville, Minnesota. There is not a city in the world that is like Chicago. We have always been outcast as the country's violent and barbaric inhabitants, from Al Capone's mafia strong-hold of the city to Chief Keef's colorful descriptions of rampant gang violence and drug distribution. Although, that's not the only thing my hometown is known for. Great food like our world famous deep dish pizza, or great sports by the likes of Michael Jordan, Patrick Kane, and Sammy Sosa are only a few of the great things proudly emboldened on pages of Chicago's history. 

Oh, Chicago. The light of life in the Midwest. My mother and father would take me and my siblings to the Shedd Aquarium and his Airness' statue outside of the United Center. From Cub's games to Lou Malnati's for family was like my parents were breeding us to become die hard Chicagoans. Twice my family moved from the city. Once, when I was 5 to Owatonna, MN. Two years later we rushed back. And again, in 2013 to Burnsville, MN. Almost 2 years later and there's no sign I'm moving back anytime soon. 

Besides the soft spot in my heart for Chicago, there's one for Minnesota too. Home to the second-largest population of Somali's outside of Somalia, I have never felt closer to my native culture or people before in my life. Our move to Minnesota drove me back to my deen and my culture. Not only did I grow as a person, learning from past mistakes and tragedies, but also as a Muslim. Alhamdullilah. But those are stories for another post...

I enjoy reading books by Earnest Hemingway, Sylvia Plath, and Shakespeare. I'm currently reading Uncle Tom's Cabin. I love TV shows like Seinfeld, Arrested Development, and The Daily Show. I'm an extreme progressive liberal, though I identify as a socialist. My favorite movies are anything by Quentin Tarantino, Dirty Harry, and anything with Samuel L Jackson in it. Comedy is my first true love and passion, second is politics. I don't have many hobbies, because I'd rather lie in bed watching videos about Nietszche than experience the outside world. 

Since majority of my time is spent online reading articles, tweets, or making fun of Hilary Clinton on Facebook, I wondered Why not make a blog? All I do is rant on the internet in increments of 140 character's anyways. And who knows? Maybe this is my ticket to a book deal. I hope you enjoy my future rantings and opinions, or I hope you email me hate that shows that you're engaged with my writing. Whatever your reactions may be, I look forward to them. 

Peace be with you.